Leki przeciwpasożytnicze, przeciwgrzybicze, antybiotyki terapie antynowotworowe w leczeniu raka

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Data dodania:
21-06-23 06:47:48
Zgłoś naruszenie Odpowiedz
Leki przeciwpasożytnicze, przeciwgrzybicze, antybiotyki terapie antynowotworowe w leczeniu raka alternatywne eksperymentalne leki rak nowotwór tarczycy, prostaty, wątroby, skóry, płuc, jelita grubego, piersi, jajnika, kości, mózgu, odbytu, wątrobowokomórkowy, kory nadnercza, ostra białaczka szpikowa, głowy i szyi, podstawnokomórkowy skóry, trzustki, szpiczak mnogi, kostniakomięsak, mięsak, rdzeniak, glejak wielopostaciowy, kolczystokomórkowy skóry głowy i szyi, płaskonabłonkowy przełyku, przewlekła białaczka szpikowa, raki systemu trawiennego, moczowego, krwi, reprodukcyjnego, glejak mózgu, czerniak


Działa na większość rodzajów raka. Dawkowanie 500g 3x dziennie



Rak prostaty


"The role of ketoconazole in current prostate cancer care"



"Ketoconazole suppresses the growth of hepatocellular carcinoma"



Wiele różnych nowotworów "Mebendazole, a well-known anti-helminthic drug in wide clinical use, has anti-cancer properties that have been elucidated in a broad range of pre-clinical studies across a number of different cancer types. Significantly, there are also two case reports of anti-cancer activity in humans." Dawkowanie minimum 2x100mg

"Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) - mebendazole as an anti-cancer agent"



Kostniakomięsak, mięsak, rak skóry, płuc, jelita grubego, piersi, jajnika, wątrobowokomórkowy, kory nadnercza, ostra białaczka szpikowa, glejak wielopostaciowy, rdzeniak.

"Preclinical studies show that mebendazole notably impedes the growth of malignant and metastatic tumors such as osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma, melanoma, carcinoma (lung, colorectal, breast, ovarian, hepatocellular and adrenocortical), acute myeloid leukaemia, glioblastoma multiforme and meduloblastoma."

"Application of a widely-used tropical anti-worm agent,mebendazole, in modern oncology"


Nowotwór mózgu https://abc2.org/research/projects/repurposing-antiparasite-drug-fight-glioblastoma

Nowotwór mózgu, przykład:

"The drug cocktail is prescribed by Care Oncology, a private clinic in London, which recommends a statin (a cholesterol-lowering drug), metformin (used to treat type-2 diabetes), doxycycline (an antibiotic) and mebendazole (an anti-worming agent). These may sound radical, but are actually safe, cheap, generic medicines with evidence of some anti-cancer effects."



"“We are advocating for use of mebendazole as a therapy for those diagnosed before metastasis to see if we can slow or prevent pancreatic cancer,” Riggins says. “For those with more advanced cancers, it could be an alternative to certain surgeries. Mebendazole may have utility as a therapy after initial treatment to prevent tumor recurrence in the 15% to 20% of pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients who undergo surgery. It may also increase the durability of response to standard chemotherapy in the remaining 80% to 85% of patients with advanced disease.”



Zapobiega guzom tarczycy do przerzutów do płuc.

"In vivo, mebendazole treatment resulted in significant orthotopic thyroid tumor regression

(B-CPAP) and growth arrest (8505c), with treated tumors displaying reduced expression

of the proliferation maker KI67 and less vascular epithelium as indicated by CD31+

immunohistochemistry. Most importantly, daily oral mebendazole prevented established

thyroid tumors from metastasizing to the lung. Given the low toxicity and published

anticancer mechanisms of mebendazole, this novel preclinical study of mebendazole

in thyroid cancer has promising therapeutic implications for patients with treatment

refractory papillary or anaplastic thyroid cancer"

"Mebendazole inhibits tumor growth and prevents lung metastasis in models of advanced thyroid cancer"


Przykład rak odbytnicy z przerzutami, remisja po 42 dniach mebendazol 200mg dziennie:

"Colon cancer patient with liver and lung metastases; the patient was treated conventionally with capecitabine, oxaliplatin, and becacizumab but failed largely due to oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy [371]. Mebendazole therapy (200 mg daily) was continued for 42 days, and there were near complete remission of the metastases in the lungs and lymph nodes and a good partial remission in the liver"

"Tumour remission by the antihelmintic drug mebendazole in refractory metastatic colon cancer"


Przykład rak kory nadnerczy z przerzutami do wątroby, dawka 200mg dziennie przez 19 miesięcy, regresja i stabilizacja przerzutów:

"The patient was a 48-year-old man with adrenocortical carcinoma with liver metastasis, and conventional treatments with mitotane, 5-fluorouracil, streptozotocin, bevacizumab, and radiation therapy failed and were intolerable [370]. Mebendazole (200 mg daily for 19 months) brought about regression of hepatic metastatic lesions with subsequent stability for 19 months, although the disease progressed after 24 months; however, the patient had no clinically adverse effects, and the quality of life was satisfactory [370]. A combined use of mebendazole with other cytotoxic drugs was suggested to have synergistic effects"

"Mebendazole monotherapy and long-term disease control in metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma"



Rak prostaty, płuc, podstawnokomórkowy skóry. Możliwe białaczka, rak jajnika, piersi, trzustki. Może wzmacniać inne leki.

"Clinical trials have shown that patients with prostate, lung, and basal cell carcinoma have benefited from treatment with itraconazole, and there are additional reports of activity in leukaemia, ovarian, breast, and pancreatic cancers. ... Itraconazole may synergise with a range of other drugs to enhance the anti-cancer effect, and some of these possible combinations are presented in the supplementary materials accompanying this paper."

"Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO)—itraconazole as an anti-cancer agent"



Rak piersi, prostaty, jelita grubego, jajnika, szpiczaka mnogiego, mózgu, ostra białaczka szpikowa, płuc, głowy i szyi.

"Anti-cancer activity of niclosamide has been demonstrated in human breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma, acute myelogenous leukemia, glioblastoma, head and neck cancer and lung cancer cells"

"Multi-targeted therapy of cancer by niclosamide: a new application for an old drug"


Białaczka, rak piersi, prostaty, wątroby, mózgu.

"Potential anticancer agent that exerts cytotoxic and cytostatic activity against a wide range of cancer types, including leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and glioblastoma. Additionally it has shown anti-invasive and anti-migratory effects."

"Drug Repurposing of the Anthelmintic Niclosamide to Treat Multidrug-Resistant Leukemia"



Rak jajnika, piersi, płaskonabłonkowy przełyku, przewlekła białaczka szpikowa, raki systemu trawiennego, moczowego, krwi,

W przypadku zakupów na leczenie raka, oferuje ceny hurtowe.


Jan Krongboon

massagewarsaw gmail com



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